Find out how by contacting us:
Tel: 07534 698680
Or use our online contact form.
More volunteers
Our membership has been boosted by the recent recruitment campaign in Kent. Thank you for your support!
The most direct way of supporting us is by making a donation. We carefully monitor all of our operations to make sure that the highest proportion possible of all donations go straight to our projects and their beneficiaries. We do not use any donated or raised money to pay salaries or expences..... all volunteers self fund themselves with travel etc enabling us to use 100% of all monies to help the sufferers and their families....All vehicles are self funded by their owners with NO cost to Spartan-warrior.The Landrover and caravan used at shows are full maintained by their owner again at NO cost to Spartan-warrior....
There are a variety of ways of making donations.
Call our fundraising department on 07956 520395 or contact us using our online contact form to find out more about how to make your payments....